7:35 Launch at Eglon
8:25 Point No Point
10:15 South side of Oak Bay
12:10 – 1:30 Indian Island Beach just north of bridge
3:45 Land at Fort Worden State Park, Washington Water Trails Association Camp Site
Our camp spot on Susan’s lawn was very comfortable. Deb camped there as well but got really sick overnight. I guess she won’t eat my cooking any more. About 1:00am I heard her throwing up and she really suffered most of the night. Around 4:00 am she was able to settle and sleep – me too.
We launched at 7:35 and had a favorable tide until about 11:30. Since we decided to go straight to Port Townsend tonight, we changed our route to paddle through Oak Bay, under the bridge and along the west side of Indian Island. The sandstone is really beautiful there, so I took lots of photos. Further north the Navy chased us further away from shore se we headed across the bay.
This was a nice long paddle – very tired but certainly doable. After yesterday’s disappointing effort, this was encouraging. A real credit is due to Deb for paddling so well after getting very sick overnight and getting little sleep – what a trooper.
We made camp at the WWTA site and I took a cold shower in the campground. Tokens are required for the hot water and there was no place open within walking distance to get one.
Deb and I then walked up the hill and found the folks participating in the Water Trails Conference. We had dinner with them and learned about several trails around the North America. Then we listened to a great talk about water trails on the Chesapeake Bay. This was of particular interest to me as my Nephew, Jonathan Henderson, is a student at a Marine Biology magnet school in Newport News, VA. I joined him on a very interesting data/sample gathering field trip on a recent visit. It was a great day.
After the talk, Deb stayed to hear other speakers and to socialize, but I ran out of gas, went back to camp and sleep.
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
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