We had a very nice send off at the boathouse with the Cascade Race Team, the Quietch's brought coffee and doughnuts and Mary presented me with a guardian angel pin. Steve Jones accompanied me from Renton to Shilshole and the companionship was greatly appreciated. We had a great paddle on a beautiful day with just enough chop on Lake Washington to make it interesting and I even got a ride off a sailboat named Babalu in the ship canal! We zipped along at 6 knots.
Mark Parrish, his wife Suzanne Britt and daughter Katie greeted us at the locks and took some great photos – included in this posting. Thanks to Dave Carpenter, with the Army Corps, and the Ballard Locks Staff for their accommodation in allowing us to go through.
Mark, Suz and Katie, as well as my wife Krin, met us at Shilshole and helped with transport to get Steve and his boat back to Renton.
Today I took the day off and went to the Seahawks game with Krin. I had some final packing to do in preparation from tomorrow’s departure from Shilshole. Next destination is the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium in port Townsend.
I’ve subscribed to the Spot Satellite Personal Tracker and will send positions each day. Krin has agreed to post them here, so you should be able to see my coordinates and click on a link that takes you to Goggle Earth to see where I am paddling. Don’t you love technology - it’s so cool!
Please show your support for my trip, and a very important cause, by supporting breast cancer research at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center.
Please show your support for my trip, and a very important cause, by supporting breast cancer research at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center.
End of day location:
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