I’ve decided to stop this attempt to circumnavigate Vancouver Island. Faced with a storm season that’s arrived about a month earlier than normal, that includes gale force winds and high seas, a series of similar multiple-day storms coming across the Pacific with a day or two break between, my window to complete the trip has closed. There simply are not enough days between storm systems. I could continue for a while but the logistics of when and where I finish, as well as getting back home, gets complicated.
While I am very frustrated and disappointed in not completing this try, my thoughts are now toward a future attempt. My physical condition has been solid and I am confident I can handle a trip of this nature.
Also, even though I have not been successful, please complete your contribution to support breast cancer research at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center. That’s far more important than whether or not I finish this paddle.
Thank you all very much; friends from home (including our great staff at Cascade Canoe & Kayak), friends I’ve made along the way and especially my trip sponsors - Current Designs Kayaks, Cascade Designs, Kokatat, and Epic Kayaks - for your encouragement, kindness and support.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
10-1-08 Port Renfrew
Port Renfrew
Day 0 nm Cum. 208 nm
Heavy fog all day today out in the strait. Very foggy here in the harbor this morning, sunny mid-day and clouding up in the afternoon. Lots of fishing boats making their way into the harbor to seek protection from the coming storm. I’m staying on shore. Environment Canada has issued a Gale warning through at least Sunday so it looks like I’ll be on shore a while.
Getting to know some of the folks here in Port Renfrew. Bob, what an awesome guy, loaded my stuff and me into his van and drove me up the hill to the motel. Leah, a server at the Port Renfrew Hotel restaurant, is an avid surfer and will represent Canada at the world surfing championships (leaves in 5 days) in Portugal – good lats! Don, at the motel, lost his wife recently and it’s left a huge hole in his life. These are really good and hospitable people.
I met Julie from Auburn at the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium – what a nice lady. She’s a breast cancer survivor and asked me to tell you about the Fred Hutchinson Survivorship Program for Cancer Patients. It’s another great program offered at the Hutch. Here’s the link:
There are so many wonderful opportunities for those of us who are truly grateful for our health to help those less fortunate.
Here’s the link to learn about my mom who died of breast cancer and how to contribute to help find a cure:
Thank you very much
Day 0 nm Cum. 208 nm
Heavy fog all day today out in the strait. Very foggy here in the harbor this morning, sunny mid-day and clouding up in the afternoon. Lots of fishing boats making their way into the harbor to seek protection from the coming storm. I’m staying on shore. Environment Canada has issued a Gale warning through at least Sunday so it looks like I’ll be on shore a while.
Getting to know some of the folks here in Port Renfrew. Bob, what an awesome guy, loaded my stuff and me into his van and drove me up the hill to the motel. Leah, a server at the Port Renfrew Hotel restaurant, is an avid surfer and will represent Canada at the world surfing championships (leaves in 5 days) in Portugal – good lats! Don, at the motel, lost his wife recently and it’s left a huge hole in his life. These are really good and hospitable people.
I met Julie from Auburn at the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium – what a nice lady. She’s a breast cancer survivor and asked me to tell you about the Fred Hutchinson Survivorship Program for Cancer Patients. It’s another great program offered at the Hutch. Here’s the link:
There are so many wonderful opportunities for those of us who are truly grateful for our health to help those less fortunate.
Here’s the link to learn about my mom who died of breast cancer and how to contribute to help find a cure:
Thank you very much
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
9-30-08 East Sombrio Beach to Port Renfrew
East Sombrio Beach to Port Renfrew
Day 16 nm Cum. 208
10:00 Launch at East Sombrio Beach
12:15 Port San Juan Bay
1:30 Turn Back
3:30 Port Renfew
Was making good progress heading for Carmanah Pont in spite of a moderate head wind. Then the fog rolled in ahead of me and I couldn’t see the shoreline ahead. This area has very steep shoreline with few beaches, as well as an off shore shelf that causes waves to form. These are no problem as long as I stand off shore a little way. I stay just far enough out to avoid the building waves. This usually winds up just offshore of the kelp beds. They know where to find the calm water.
But I was uncomfortable with not being able to see shore and find the beach. Also, the forecast on my radio called for gale force winds over the next few days and I prefer not to be stuck on an exposed beach.
So about 2 miles west of Port Renfrew I turned back, paddled to the port and found a motel. It looks like I may be on shore until at least Sunday. Having to turn back and sit on the beach for at least five days is very discouraging for me.
Day 16 nm Cum. 208
10:00 Launch at East Sombrio Beach
12:15 Port San Juan Bay
1:30 Turn Back
3:30 Port Renfew
Was making good progress heading for Carmanah Pont in spite of a moderate head wind. Then the fog rolled in ahead of me and I couldn’t see the shoreline ahead. This area has very steep shoreline with few beaches, as well as an off shore shelf that causes waves to form. These are no problem as long as I stand off shore a little way. I stay just far enough out to avoid the building waves. This usually winds up just offshore of the kelp beds. They know where to find the calm water.
But I was uncomfortable with not being able to see shore and find the beach. Also, the forecast on my radio called for gale force winds over the next few days and I prefer not to be stuck on an exposed beach.
So about 2 miles west of Port Renfrew I turned back, paddled to the port and found a motel. It looks like I may be on shore until at least Sunday. Having to turn back and sit on the beach for at least five days is very discouraging for me.
9-29-08 French Beach to East Sombrio Beach
French Beach to East Sombrio Beach
Day 17 nm Cum. 192 nm
10:30 Launch at French Beach
1:15 – 2:35 Lunch at Mystic Beach
5:15 Land at East Sombrio Beach
Scenery is incredible. Terrain changed from volcanic, to sandstone and aggregate, to sandstone. Lots of points jut out into the strait. Into the Pacific Rim Park so no more houses – just wonderful scenery.
Lots of seals and many pop up in front of me to see what I’m up to. A sea otter did as well.
At launch and lunch was able to talk with a few people about the trip and fundraising effort, most seemed interested. At lunch at Mystic Beach, Phil from Inverness, CA took my photo and said he would send it to the blog. Really nice guy on a day hike with his wife. Inverness, CA is a beautiful place on Tamales Bay, where Krin and I honeymooned almost 26 years ago.
Two ladies with local knowledge told me about Sombrio Beach and the camping there. They really like Sombrio. Since I paddled further yesterday, I decided to go on to there and shorten the next day. Thanks for the great tip ladies and the most beautiful camp site yet.
For the past 2 or 3 days I feel like my physical condition is deteriorating – I’m really worn down. Also my right hip is very painful and at times it’s tough to sit up. Also, somehow I took a chunk of skin off my right thumb – who knows. So far all is manageable, but am concerned about longer days.
Another great sunset that I videoed.
Day 17 nm Cum. 192 nm
10:30 Launch at French Beach
1:15 – 2:35 Lunch at Mystic Beach
5:15 Land at East Sombrio Beach
Scenery is incredible. Terrain changed from volcanic, to sandstone and aggregate, to sandstone. Lots of points jut out into the strait. Into the Pacific Rim Park so no more houses – just wonderful scenery.
Lots of seals and many pop up in front of me to see what I’m up to. A sea otter did as well.
At launch and lunch was able to talk with a few people about the trip and fundraising effort, most seemed interested. At lunch at Mystic Beach, Phil from Inverness, CA took my photo and said he would send it to the blog. Really nice guy on a day hike with his wife. Inverness, CA is a beautiful place on Tamales Bay, where Krin and I honeymooned almost 26 years ago.
Two ladies with local knowledge told me about Sombrio Beach and the camping there. They really like Sombrio. Since I paddled further yesterday, I decided to go on to there and shorten the next day. Thanks for the great tip ladies and the most beautiful camp site yet.
For the past 2 or 3 days I feel like my physical condition is deteriorating – I’m really worn down. Also my right hip is very painful and at times it’s tough to sit up. Also, somehow I took a chunk of skin off my right thumb – who knows. So far all is manageable, but am concerned about longer days.
Another great sunset that I videoed.
Monday, September 29, 2008
09/28/08 Victoria to French Beach
Victoria to French Beach
Day 30 nm Cum. 175 nm
10:45 Launch at Ocean River Sports in Victoria
2:00 Race Rocks
7:15 French Beach
Had a late start from Victoria. Incredible weather all day with sun and no clouds. Flat conditions early so I took a more direct route to Albert, west of Victoria. Mixed currents all day but a consistent tail wind. Following wind waves built throughout the day to 3’ by day’s end. Fun through Race Rocks with an opposing current, so worked my way up through eddies. Very shallow between numerous islands. One in particular off (west) of Beechany Point had a nice shoot to run – fun.
Because of late start, plus French Beach was further than I thought, wound up paddling longer than I wanted and arrived with the setting sun. It was a real race to beat sunset and I really worked hard. The stars are incredible and I can see lights from the Olympic Peninsula across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Day 30 nm Cum. 175 nm
10:45 Launch at Ocean River Sports in Victoria
2:00 Race Rocks
7:15 French Beach
Had a late start from Victoria. Incredible weather all day with sun and no clouds. Flat conditions early so I took a more direct route to Albert, west of Victoria. Mixed currents all day but a consistent tail wind. Following wind waves built throughout the day to 3’ by day’s end. Fun through Race Rocks with an opposing current, so worked my way up through eddies. Very shallow between numerous islands. One in particular off (west) of Beechany Point had a nice shoot to run – fun.
Because of late start, plus French Beach was further than I thought, wound up paddling longer than I wanted and arrived with the setting sun. It was a real race to beat sunset and I really worked hard. The stars are incredible and I can see lights from the Olympic Peninsula across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
09/27/08 Sidney to Victoria
iEnd of Day Location:
Link to Google Maps
Day 28 nm Cum. 145 nm
9:30 Launch at Canoe Cove, Sidney
11:30 Cordova Spit
12:30 Cowichan Head
Lunch stop on beach 1 nm south of Cowichan Head
2:45 Gordon Head
4:00 Cacbro Point
4:35 Gonzalez Point
6:30 Ocean River in Victoria
Glenis dropped mo off back at Canoe Cove. While they were polite, they made it clear that kayaks are not welcome there. I was tacitly accepted because I went through customs check there. I won’t go back.
Today as a slog with opposing current and head wind until 3:30. Slack until about 4:00 and then moderate ebb until the turn into Victoria Harbor. Incredible vies of Orcas across Haro Strait and the distant Cascade Mountains to the east, the Olympic Mountains across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the south, the small islands surrounding Vancouver Island and the mountains of Vancouver Island itself. Upon entering Victoria harbor, passed astern of a Celebrity cruise ship. What a contrast with what I’m doing. Have to try that some day. I arrived at Ocean River Sports, back in the harbor to be greeted by Gary, Brian, Derrick and the great staff. They helped me secure my kayak on their dock and invited me to dinner. They have a big sale this weekend and were having a staff and volunteer celebration dinner. Great food, company and a fun evening. A basket was put out for donations to Breast Cancer Research, the cause I’m paddling for, and nearly $100 was raised. Thanks for your generosity guys!
Link to Google Maps
Day 28 nm Cum. 145 nm
9:30 Launch at Canoe Cove, Sidney
11:30 Cordova Spit
12:30 Cowichan Head
Lunch stop on beach 1 nm south of Cowichan Head
2:45 Gordon Head
4:00 Cacbro Point
4:35 Gonzalez Point
6:30 Ocean River in Victoria
Glenis dropped mo off back at Canoe Cove. While they were polite, they made it clear that kayaks are not welcome there. I was tacitly accepted because I went through customs check there. I won’t go back.
Today as a slog with opposing current and head wind until 3:30. Slack until about 4:00 and then moderate ebb until the turn into Victoria Harbor. Incredible vies of Orcas across Haro Strait and the distant Cascade Mountains to the east, the Olympic Mountains across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the south, the small islands surrounding Vancouver Island and the mountains of Vancouver Island itself. Upon entering Victoria harbor, passed astern of a Celebrity cruise ship. What a contrast with what I’m doing. Have to try that some day. I arrived at Ocean River Sports, back in the harbor to be greeted by Gary, Brian, Derrick and the great staff. They helped me secure my kayak on their dock and invited me to dinner. They have a big sale this weekend and were having a staff and volunteer celebration dinner. Great food, company and a fun evening. A basket was put out for donations to Breast Cancer Research, the cause I’m paddling for, and nearly $100 was raised. Thanks for your generosity guys!
09/26/08 Jones Island to Sidney
End of Day Location: Sidney BC
9:15 Launch Jones Island
9:45 Green Point, Speiden Island
10:30 west point Speiden Island
10:45 Stuart Island
11:00 Turn to cross Haro Strait
Victoria Traffic on Channel 11
11:30 Gooch Island
12:40 Land at north end of Sidney Spit
12:50 Launch
1:50 Land at Canoe Cove
A great day of paddling – the water was flat and I felt powerful and averaged over 4 nm/hr. Left many new friends at Jones Island – Chris and the young men he’s helping through their outdoor adventures, Elaine and Tom. All said farewell.
Took a more direct approach than originally planned due to calm seas. On the Jones to Speiden crossing saw many Dahl’s porpoises. On Speiden lots of deer and a ram – very impressive. Crossing Haro Strait saw Orca!
At Gooch Island, entered Canada. Lots of seals on Gooch and several swam out to have a closer look at me. I think they were as interested in me as I was in them. Paddled through really nice islands – rocky with trees and fancy houses on them. Checked in with Canadian Customs at C Dock in Canoe Cove. It was simply a phone call and they asked a few questions – pretty simple. Then called Gary and Glenis came to pick me up.
We loaded my boat and gear onto his truck and drove to their home. A great dinner of steak, salad, potato salad and cake. Great company and a wonderful meal. Also enjoyed Rosie, the sweet Rottweiler and the cats. Glenis is a veterinarian and both have come to several of my talks at the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium. Glenis told me how she used some of the concepts I present to help her in her practice, particularly muscle activation and maintaining strength and power as we age. Thanks to Kathy who taught me -nice stuff.
9:15 Launch Jones Island
9:45 Green Point, Speiden Island
10:30 west point Speiden Island
10:45 Stuart Island
11:00 Turn to cross Haro Strait
Victoria Traffic on Channel 11
11:30 Gooch Island
12:40 Land at north end of Sidney Spit
12:50 Launch
1:50 Land at Canoe Cove
A great day of paddling – the water was flat and I felt powerful and averaged over 4 nm/hr. Left many new friends at Jones Island – Chris and the young men he’s helping through their outdoor adventures, Elaine and Tom. All said farewell.
Took a more direct approach than originally planned due to calm seas. On the Jones to Speiden crossing saw many Dahl’s porpoises. On Speiden lots of deer and a ram – very impressive. Crossing Haro Strait saw Orca!
At Gooch Island, entered Canada. Lots of seals on Gooch and several swam out to have a closer look at me. I think they were as interested in me as I was in them. Paddled through really nice islands – rocky with trees and fancy houses on them. Checked in with Canadian Customs at C Dock in Canoe Cove. It was simply a phone call and they asked a few questions – pretty simple. Then called Gary and Glenis came to pick me up.
We loaded my boat and gear onto his truck and drove to their home. A great dinner of steak, salad, potato salad and cake. Great company and a wonderful meal. Also enjoyed Rosie, the sweet Rottweiler and the cats. Glenis is a veterinarian and both have come to several of my talks at the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium. Glenis told me how she used some of the concepts I present to help her in her practice, particularly muscle activation and maintaining strength and power as we age. Thanks to Kathy who taught me -nice stuff.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
09/25/08 Off Day at Jones Island
Due to forecast 25 knot winds Dan is staying on Jones Island today. There is a beautiful view from the campsite looking north with views of orcas and the mountains beyond.
25 knot winds were forecast for Haro Strait so I took the day off. So did the group of kayakers from Port Townsend. I got up at 6:00 in cast the forecast changed, made breakfast and listened to the radio – no change. So I went back to bed (tent) and slept until 10:00. Got up, did some writing, took a hike, made some boat adjustments, talked with the kayakers, helped some yachts land at the dock, pet their dogs and had a generally relaxing day. Had a nice talk with Tom and Erin about their Catalina 36. It’s a 1984 version – what a nice boat, and a nice size as well. Tom’s an airline pilot and Erin’s a speech pathologist. I had seen them at Spencer Spit but didn’t have a chance to talk there. They have 3 very nice Samoyeds who travel with them on their boat. Tom and Erin gave me water so I’m covered in that regard.
25 knot winds were forecast for Haro Strait so I took the day off. So did the group of kayakers from Port Townsend. I got up at 6:00 in cast the forecast changed, made breakfast and listened to the radio – no change. So I went back to bed (tent) and slept until 10:00. Got up, did some writing, took a hike, made some boat adjustments, talked with the kayakers, helped some yachts land at the dock, pet their dogs and had a generally relaxing day. Had a nice talk with Tom and Erin about their Catalina 36. It’s a 1984 version – what a nice boat, and a nice size as well. Tom’s an airline pilot and Erin’s a speech pathologist. I had seen them at Spencer Spit but didn’t have a chance to talk there. They have 3 very nice Samoyeds who travel with them on their boat. Tom and Erin gave me water so I’m covered in that regard.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
09/24/08 Spencer Spit to Jones Island
End of Day Position:
Link to Google Maps
Day 10 nm Cum. 99 nm
9:30 Spencer Spit
3:30 Jones Island
Gorgeous San Juan's all day. Crosse to Shaw, paddled west on north side between Shaw and Orcas. Between Crane Island and Orcas 25 knot east (tail) winds developed around 1:00 and rode waves through Harney Channel. Got a little break after narrow passage between Crane and Orcas but built to 3 - 4 feet across Spring Channel, between Orcas and Jones. The wave direction was northwest so I headed for the north side of Jones. By the time I reached Jones I had had enough and called it a day. I felt very strong and powerful today.
Met a group from Port Townsend at camp and had good company. They built a great campfire and all gathered round. They made pineapple upside down cake and gave me a piece. Third night in a row for cake!
If conditions permit, will try for Sydney tomorrow. A special thanks to Veronique for the marshmallow treats she made for me – delicious! Scenery continues to be incredible. Partly cloudy skies with mountains in foreground reaching between ocean and clouds. Rain on and off all day.
Water was turned off at Jones, one week early.
Link to Google Maps
Day 10 nm Cum. 99 nm
9:30 Spencer Spit
3:30 Jones Island
Gorgeous San Juan's all day. Crosse to Shaw, paddled west on north side between Shaw and Orcas. Between Crane Island and Orcas 25 knot east (tail) winds developed around 1:00 and rode waves through Harney Channel. Got a little break after narrow passage between Crane and Orcas but built to 3 - 4 feet across Spring Channel, between Orcas and Jones. The wave direction was northwest so I headed for the north side of Jones. By the time I reached Jones I had had enough and called it a day. I felt very strong and powerful today.
Met a group from Port Townsend at camp and had good company. They built a great campfire and all gathered round. They made pineapple upside down cake and gave me a piece. Third night in a row for cake!
If conditions permit, will try for Sydney tomorrow. A special thanks to Veronique for the marshmallow treats she made for me – delicious! Scenery continues to be incredible. Partly cloudy skies with mountains in foreground reaching between ocean and clouds. Rain on and off all day.
Water was turned off at Jones, one week early.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
9/23/08 Joseph Whidbey State Park to Spencer Spit on Lopez Island
End of Day Location:
Link to Google Maps
9:00 Launch at Joseph Whidbey
10:30 West Point, Deception Pass
11:00 Land at Bowman Bay for lunch
11:45 Launch at Bowman Bay
12:55 Alan Island
1:40 James Island
2:10 NE Corner Decatur Island
2:30 NW Corner Decatur Island
3:05 Take out at Spencer Spit, Lopez Island
Into the San Juans! After nice sleep at Pete’s house, Fran made pancakes with homemade apple butter, Canadian bacon and OJ. Felt pretty good but still tired from yesterday – general fatigue all day. I guess I’m going to be tired a lot on this trip.
Easy launch at Joseph Whidbey State Park followed by an easy paddle north along Whidbey Island. A P-3 was doing touch and goes at NAS Whidbey Island so I saw multiple take offs. Crossed Deception Pass, with great views of the pass, and into Bowman Bay for lunch. Flat conditions allowed crossing straight from Alan Island to James Island. There are interesting whirlpools and boils 200 yards west of Alan Island and 300 east of James. Saw many ferries going through Thatcher Pass, as well as a Navy ship. Ferries caused lots if wake but surprisingly the Navy ship caused virtually no wake at all, and it was going much faster. Had favorable current until north side of Decatur Island picked up oncoming current after 2:00 but was able to make reasonable progress. Crossed Lopez Sound and into Spencer Spit to camp. Fairly long paddle today, I’m fatigued but feel this is doable. The San Juans are incredibly beautiful – a kayaker’s paradise.
Camp at Spencer Spit under Manzanita tree – nice camp. On shore met Julie and Pete from Idaho. Pete’s the outdoor writer for the Idaho Statesman. Julie gave me homemade bread and chocolate cake made in their Dutch oven. Yum!
Link to Google Maps
9:00 Launch at Joseph Whidbey
10:30 West Point, Deception Pass
11:00 Land at Bowman Bay for lunch
11:45 Launch at Bowman Bay
12:55 Alan Island
1:40 James Island
2:10 NE Corner Decatur Island
2:30 NW Corner Decatur Island
3:05 Take out at Spencer Spit, Lopez Island
Into the San Juans! After nice sleep at Pete’s house, Fran made pancakes with homemade apple butter, Canadian bacon and OJ. Felt pretty good but still tired from yesterday – general fatigue all day. I guess I’m going to be tired a lot on this trip.
Easy launch at Joseph Whidbey State Park followed by an easy paddle north along Whidbey Island. A P-3 was doing touch and goes at NAS Whidbey Island so I saw multiple take offs. Crossed Deception Pass, with great views of the pass, and into Bowman Bay for lunch. Flat conditions allowed crossing straight from Alan Island to James Island. There are interesting whirlpools and boils 200 yards west of Alan Island and 300 east of James. Saw many ferries going through Thatcher Pass, as well as a Navy ship. Ferries caused lots if wake but surprisingly the Navy ship caused virtually no wake at all, and it was going much faster. Had favorable current until north side of Decatur Island picked up oncoming current after 2:00 but was able to make reasonable progress. Crossed Lopez Sound and into Spencer Spit to camp. Fairly long paddle today, I’m fatigued but feel this is doable. The San Juans are incredibly beautiful – a kayaker’s paradise.
Camp at Spencer Spit under Manzanita tree – nice camp. On shore met Julie and Pete from Idaho. Pete’s the outdoor writer for the Idaho Statesman. Julie gave me homemade bread and chocolate cake made in their Dutch oven. Yum!
Monday, September 22, 2008
9/22/08 Port Townsend to Joseph Whidbey State Park on Whidbey Island
End of Day Position:
Link to Google Maps
Day 15 nm Cum. 88 nm
9:50 Launch at Port Townsend
11:15 Land at Keystone for lunch
1:25 Launch at Keystone
3:10 Point Partridge
5:15 Land at Joseph Whidbey
A fun day of paddling, at times really hard work and I wore down by the end. Flood until 1:00 on flood crossed to Admiralty Head. There were super waves leaving Port Townsend up to 6 feet – a fun roller coaster. Ferried across to Admiralty Head at about 20 degrees angle. Arrived above (north) of Admiralty Head but could not continue north due to combination of current, headwind and confused seas as flood hit the Head. Turned south, went around the Head and then east into Keystone to wait for tide change, lunch and rest. Once tide turned, things flattened out quite a bit so proceeded north. There were small craft warnings in the Straight of Juan de Fuca so swells made their way to me – about 4 feet. North of Partridge Point fought current but had following seas and tail wind so made reasonable progress, but got really tired.
Landed at Joseph Whidbey State Park, called Pete Stevens, who picked me up and toom me to his home. Med Pete’s wife Fran and mom Betty, had a great dinner and of lasagna and pineapple upside down cake.
Link to Google Maps
Day 15 nm Cum. 88 nm
9:50 Launch at Port Townsend
11:15 Land at Keystone for lunch
1:25 Launch at Keystone
3:10 Point Partridge
5:15 Land at Joseph Whidbey
A fun day of paddling, at times really hard work and I wore down by the end. Flood until 1:00 on flood crossed to Admiralty Head. There were super waves leaving Port Townsend up to 6 feet – a fun roller coaster. Ferried across to Admiralty Head at about 20 degrees angle. Arrived above (north) of Admiralty Head but could not continue north due to combination of current, headwind and confused seas as flood hit the Head. Turned south, went around the Head and then east into Keystone to wait for tide change, lunch and rest. Once tide turned, things flattened out quite a bit so proceeded north. There were small craft warnings in the Straight of Juan de Fuca so swells made their way to me – about 4 feet. North of Partridge Point fought current but had following seas and tail wind so made reasonable progress, but got really tired.
Landed at Joseph Whidbey State Park, called Pete Stevens, who picked me up and toom me to his home. Med Pete’s wife Fran and mom Betty, had a great dinner and of lasagna and pineapple upside down cake.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
9/18/08 West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium

Day 6 9-18-08 West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium, Port Townsend, WA
This was set-up day for the symposium. We have a booth on the retail floor and the Cascade staff was incredible in getting it set up. We rent a house on officers row each year that gives us a time to enjoy each other’s company and have some fun, in additional to our efforts at the symposium. We have an incredible staff here with Alex Inclan, Steve Jones, Ian MacInerny, Steve Wort, Meg Kelly and Tim Davis. What a great group. Alex anchors the entire retail operation and is great. On the water instruction is the focus for Stave Jones, Ian supports Valley Kayaks with the beach demos and Alex up in the booth. Steve Wort is with Epic Kayaks and Valley Kayaks on the water demos, Meg splits time between our booth and Epic Kayaks and Tim is with Current Designs for demos. That leaves me very free to network with manufacturers, explore opportunities, and conduct presentations.
In the evening we attended the vendor party and the Port Townsend Brewery and had a great time! It’s a marvelous microbrewery and they make marvelous ales. My favorite is the Porter. See the photo preparing for our return to Fort Worden.
9/17/08 Eglon to Port Townsend

7:35 Launch at Eglon
8:25 Point No Point
10:15 South side of Oak Bay
12:10 – 1:30 Indian Island Beach just north of bridge
3:45 Land at Fort Worden State Park, Washington Water Trails Association Camp Site
Our camp spot on Susan’s lawn was very comfortable. Deb camped there as well but got really sick overnight. I guess she won’t eat my cooking any more. About 1:00am I heard her throwing up and she really suffered most of the night. Around 4:00 am she was able to settle and sleep – me too.
We launched at 7:35 and had a favorable tide until about 11:30. Since we decided to go straight to Port Townsend tonight, we changed our route to paddle through Oak Bay, under the bridge and along the west side of Indian Island. The sandstone is really beautiful there, so I took lots of photos. Further north the Navy chased us further away from shore se we headed across the bay.
This was a nice long paddle – very tired but certainly doable. After yesterday’s disappointing effort, this was encouraging. A real credit is due to Deb for paddling so well after getting very sick overnight and getting little sleep – what a trooper.
We made camp at the WWTA site and I took a cold shower in the campground. Tokens are required for the hot water and there was no place open within walking distance to get one.
Deb and I then walked up the hill and found the folks participating in the Water Trails Conference. We had dinner with them and learned about several trails around the North America. Then we listened to a great talk about water trails on the Chesapeake Bay. This was of particular interest to me as my Nephew, Jonathan Henderson, is a student at a Marine Biology magnet school in Newport News, VA. I joined him on a very interesting data/sample gathering field trip on a recent visit. It was a great day.
After the talk, Deb stayed to hear other speakers and to socialize, but I ran out of gas, went back to camp and sleep.
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
9/16/08 Fae-Bainbridge to Eglon
Day 4 9-16-08 Day 11 nm Cum. 32.5 nm
10:30 Launch at Fae-Bainbridge
2:45 Land Eglon
I was really tired last night, went to bet at 8:00 and slept until 7:30. Deb Natelson joined me today for the paddle to Port Townsend. It took me 3 hours to get launched so we only had 2 hours of favorable tides. Afterward we fought tides and head with until we gave up at 2:45. I felt very weak today. We needed a break and stopped at Elgon. As we were going slowly and still had a long way to go before Fort Flagler, we talked with a couple of fisherman about potential camp sites closer, and confirmed there really was nothing. A neighbor (Susan) overheard us and came over to invite us to camp on her lawn. What a nice lady and a generous invitation. So we took her up on the invite and set up camp.
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
10:30 Launch at Fae-Bainbridge
2:45 Land Eglon
I was really tired last night, went to bet at 8:00 and slept until 7:30. Deb Natelson joined me today for the paddle to Port Townsend. It took me 3 hours to get launched so we only had 2 hours of favorable tides. Afterward we fought tides and head with until we gave up at 2:45. I felt very weak today. We needed a break and stopped at Elgon. As we were going slowly and still had a long way to go before Fort Flagler, we talked with a couple of fisherman about potential camp sites closer, and confirmed there really was nothing. A neighbor (Susan) overheard us and came over to invite us to camp on her lawn. What a nice lady and a generous invitation. So we took her up on the invite and set up camp.
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
9/15/08 Shilshole to Fae-Bainbridge State Park
Day 3 9-15-08 Day 4.5 nm Cum. 21.5 nm
I spent most of the day finishing organizing for my trip, wrapping up work and getting back to Shilshole.
3:30 Launch at Shilshole, in Seattle
4:45 Land at Fae-Bainbridge State Park – Washington Water Trails Association (WWTA) camp site
Easy crossing with light wind
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
I spent most of the day finishing organizing for my trip, wrapping up work and getting back to Shilshole.
3:30 Launch at Shilshole, in Seattle
4:45 Land at Fae-Bainbridge State Park – Washington Water Trails Association (WWTA) camp site
Easy crossing with light wind
End of day position:
Link to Google Maps
Sunday, September 14, 2008
9/13/08 Renton to Shilshole

We had a very nice send off at the boathouse with the Cascade Race Team, the Quietch's brought coffee and doughnuts and Mary presented me with a guardian angel pin. Steve Jones accompanied me from Renton to Shilshole and the companionship was greatly appreciated. We had a great paddle on a beautiful day with just enough chop on Lake Washington to make it interesting and I even got a ride off a sailboat named Babalu in the ship canal! We zipped along at 6 knots.
Mark Parrish, his wife Suzanne Britt and daughter Katie greeted us at the locks and took some great photos – included in this posting. Thanks to Dave Carpenter, with the Army Corps, and the Ballard Locks Staff for their accommodation in allowing us to go through.
Mark, Suz and Katie, as well as my wife Krin, met us at Shilshole and helped with transport to get Steve and his boat back to Renton.
Today I took the day off and went to the Seahawks game with Krin. I had some final packing to do in preparation from tomorrow’s departure from Shilshole. Next destination is the West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium in port Townsend.
I’ve subscribed to the Spot Satellite Personal Tracker and will send positions each day. Krin has agreed to post them here, so you should be able to see my coordinates and click on a link that takes you to Goggle Earth to see where I am paddling. Don’t you love technology - it’s so cool!
Please show your support for my trip, and a very important cause, by supporting breast cancer research at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center.
Please show your support for my trip, and a very important cause, by supporting breast cancer research at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center.
End of day location:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Vancouver Island Circumnavigation to Honor Dorothy MacGregor

When I was 16, my Mom was trying to find ways for us to stay connected. Against my very strong teenage will she insisted we take canoeing lessons together. We both learned to love paddling, explore waterways, appreciating each other and enjoying the benefits of exercise. Now, 38 years later, I’m completely immersed in canoe/kayak. We lost her last spring to breast cancer and now honor her passion for life and paddling.
I’m about to embark on a Vancouver Island circumnavigation. To honor my mom, Dorothy MacGregor, I’ve dedicated the trip to her memory and partnered with the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, here in Seattle, to raise money for breast cancer research. The Hutchison Center is a world leader in cancer research.
You can also be part of this trip, as well as support a wonderful organization and its efforts to find a cure, by generously donating to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center on-line through the Vancouver Island Circumnavigation to honor Dorothy MacGregor webTribute. Please help us in this effort so we can free women of this terrible disease.
Because of the generosity of trip sponsors: Cascade Canoe & Kayak Centers, Inc., Current Designs Kayaks, Cascade Designs, Kokatat, and Epic Kayaks – 100% of the funds you donate will go to support breast cancer research, none will be used for trip expenses!
Please go to the following webTribute site to make you on-line donation.
Thank you very much for your interest in my trip and for your generous support of breast cancer research.
All the best,
Monday, September 8, 2008
Vancouver Island Circumnavigation

From Port Townsend I’ll paddle east to Whidbey Island, then west through the San Juan Islands and on to Sydney on Vancouver Island. From Sydney I’ll paddle clockwise around Vancouver Island, exploring sounds and islands in a 1000 nautical mile, 60-day (plus bad weather days) tour. Returning through the Gulf Islands, back through the San Juans and finishing back at the Cascade boathouse in Renton. I expect to be back before Thanksgiving.
The entire trip will be filmed and I’ll update this blog with photos and text when I can connect to the Internet.
Great appreciation to my trip sponsors: Cascade Canoe & Kayak Centers, Inc., Current Designs Kayaks, Cascade Designs, Kokatat, and Epic Kayaks - you have made this trip possible!
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